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Police Verification of Foreign Nationals

Have you rented your property to a foreign national?
It is mandatory for home owners to intimate the nearest police station if they have rented their property to a foreign national.

Follow these steps to be on the right side of the law:
Step 1:
Download and print the Expat Information Form, fill in the landlord and tenant information, and attach a passport size photograph of the foreign national.
Step 2:
Take print outs of the following documents of the foreign national:
Step 3:
Create a folder with all the documents and submit the physical copies at the local police station.
Please note, that this process is to be followed for each family member holding a foreign passport.

We at Home Raaga help you complete the above process for a fee of Rs. 5000 + 18% GST.
If you are interested, please mail us on

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